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EXHIBIT 3.2 Most Frequent All-listed Procedures by Age (PDF)

Number of Stays, Stays per 10,000 Population, and Growth of the Most Frequent All-listed Procedures for Hospital Stays by Age, 1997 and 2009
1997 2009 1997 2009 1997-2009
All ages, total stays† 34,679 39,435 1,278 1,284 1%‡
< 1 year, total stays 4,426 4,678 11,799 10,977 -7%‡
Prophylactic vaccinations and inoculations 549 1,516 1,463 3,556 143%
Circumcision 1,159 1,170 3,089 2,746 -11%
Respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation 163 176 434 414 -5%‡
Enteral and parenteral nutrition 39 122 104 287 176%
Diagnostic spinal tap 147 85 391 199 -49%
1-17 years, total stays 1,821 1,611 271 229 -15%‡
Appendectomy 74 84 11 12 8%‡
Repair of obstetric laceration 58 53 9 8 -13%
Blood transfusion 26 47 4 7 70%‡
Cancer chemotherapy 43 38 6 5 -15%‡
Respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation 30 34 4 5 7%‡
18-44 years, total stays 9,444 9,922 860 874 2%‡
Cesarean section 773 1,349 70 119 69%
Repair of obstetric laceration 1,079 1,289 98 114 16%
Artificial rupture of membranes to assist delivery 706 899 64 79 23%
Fetal monitoring 952 829 87 73 -16%‡
Blood transfusion 147 332 13 29 119%
45-64 years, total stays 6,496 9,629 1,155 1,213 5%‡
247 788 44 99 126%
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization, coronary arteriography 578 638 103 80 -22%
Respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation 186 443 33 56 69%
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 275 404 49 51 4%‡
Hemodialysis 154 328 27 41 51%
65-84 years, total stays 10,121 10,468 3,319 3,084 -7%
Blood transfusion 514 1,245 169 367 118%
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization, coronary arteriography 738 664 242 196 -19%
Respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation 366 543 120 160 33%
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 530 494 174 145 -16%
Knee arthroplasty 201 366 66 108 63%
85+ years, total stays 2,362 3,076 6,047 5,463 -10%
Blood transfusion 138 375 353 667 89%
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 122 134 313 238 -24%
Respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation 65 121 168 215 28%
Echocardiogram 65 86 165 154 -7%‡
Treatment, fracture or dislocation of hip and femur 87 86 222 153 -31%
† Includes a small number of stays (51,500 or 0.1 percent) with missing age.
‡ 2009 stays per 10,000 population are not statistically different from 1997 stays per 10,000 population at p<0.05.
Source: AHRQ, Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 1997 and 2009.


While some of the most frequent procedures varied by age group, some were common across several age groups.

  • Blood transfusion was a top five procedure in all age groups except infants less than 1 year old. It was the third most common procedure for 1-17 year olds and the first for adults 45-64, 65-84, and 85 years and older. Blood transfusion was one of the fastest growing procedures from 1997 to 2009, more than doubling for patients 18-44, 45-64, and 65-84.
  • Respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation was common for all age groups except 18 to 44 year olds. The rate of respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation grew rapidly from 1997 to 2009 among 45-64 year olds (69 percent), 65-84 year olds (33 percent), and seniors 85 years and older (28 percent).
  • Diagnostic cardiac catheterization and coronary arteriography was common for 45-64 year olds (638,000 procedures) and 65-84 year olds (664,000 procedures), but the rate of procedures declined about 20 percent from 1997 to 2009 in both age groups.

For infants:

  • The most common procedures performed on infants were routine procedures, such as vaccinations (performed in 3,556 stays per 10,000 infants) and circumcision (performed in 2,746 stays per 10,000 infants).
    • In 2009, 1.2 million circumcisions were completed in the hospital (55 percent of male liveborn infants).
  • Procedures on infants also included those done for complex conditions affecting severely ill babies, such as respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation (414 stays per 10,000 infants), enteral/parenteral nutrition (287 stays per 10,000 infants), and diagnostic spinal tap (199 stays per 10,000 infants).
    • The rate of enteral and parenteral nutrition, or tube feeding, during infant hospitalizations increased 176 percent whereas the rate of spinal tap procedures decreased 49 percent.

For children 1-17:

  • Appendectomy was the most common procedure for 1-17 year olds, performed in 12 stays per 10,000 population in this age group.
  • Other top procedures common in stays for children included repair of obstetric laceration in teen deliveries, blood transfusion, cancer chemotherapy, and respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation.

For adults 18-44:

  • Four of the top five most common procedures were related to pregnancy and childbirth for adults 18-44 years old.
    • Cesarean sections and repair of obstetric laceration were the most frequently performed procedures, performed in 119 and 114 stays per 10,000 population among this age group in 2009.
    • The rate of Cesarean sections increased by 69 percent from 1997 to 2009.
    • The rate of stays with artificial rupture of membranes to assist delivery also experienced rapid growth from 1997 to 2009 (up 23 percent), while the rate of fetal monitoring procedures remained relatively stable.
  • Blood transfusion was the fifth most frequent procedure among adults 18-44 years old, and the rate of this procedure more than doubled from 1997 to 2009 (from 13 to 29 stays per 10,000 population).

For adults 45-64 and 65-84:

  • In 2009, the top four most frequently performed procedures were the same for individuals 45-64 and 65-84 years old: blood transfusion, diagnostic cardiac catheterization and coronary arteriography, respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation, and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.
    • Blood transfusion was the leading procedure for 45-64 year olds and 65-84 year olds, and the rate of stays with this procedure more than doubled in both age groups from 1997 to 2009.
    • Diagnostic cardiac catheterization and coronary arteriography was the second most common procedure performed in each of these age groups.
  • Hemodialysis was a top procedure among individuals 45-64, and the rate of stays with this procedure increased by about 50 percent from 1997 to 2009 (from 27 to 41 stays per 10,000 population).
  • Knee replacement was a top procedure among individuals 65-84, and the rate of stays with this procedure increased by 63 percent from 1997 to 2009 (from 66 to 108 stays per 10,000 population).

For adults 85 years and older:

  • For patients 85 years and older, blood transfusion was the most common procedure, occurring in 667 stays per 10,000 population.
  • Echocardiogram was the fourth most frequent procedure for patients 85 years and older (86,000 stays), and the rate of stays with this procedure remained relatively stable from 1997 to 2009 (7 percent decline).
  • Treatment of a fracture or dislocation of the hip and femur was a frequent procedure performed during a hospital stay and appeared only in this age group.
    • The rate of stays for treatment of a hip fracture or dislocation declined (31 percent) from 1997 to 2009, accounting for 86,000 stays in 2009.

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Internet Citation: Facts and Figures 2009. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). February 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 2/8/12